Learn to Sail

ASA Certifications give you the knowledge and experience to be confident and safe on all your sailing adventures – whether you charter a boat from a local harbor, go on an exotic sailing vacation, or even buy your own boat.
Foggy Dew Sailing is partnered with several American Sailing Association Affiliate Schools in the US. Capt. Robert Durkin is a Certified ASA Instructor and offers the following ASA Classes.
ASA 101 – Basic Keelboat Sailing

Learn to skipper a 20′ – 27′ sloop-rigged keelboat by day, in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn basic sailing terminology, parts and functions, helm commands, basic sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and safety including basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards.
ASA 103 – Basic Coastal Cruising

Learn to skipper a sloop-rigged auxiliary powered 25′-35′ keelboat by day in moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn cruising sailboat terminology, basic boat systems, auxiliary engine operation, docking procedures, intermediate sail trim, navigation rules, basic coastal navigation, anchoring, weather, safety and seamanship.
ASA 104 – Bareboat Cruising

Learn how to sail a sloop-rigged, auxiliary powered 30′-45′ sailboat during a multi-day cruise upon inland/coastal waters in moderate/heavy winds and sea conditions. Learn about provisioning, boat systems, auxiliary engines, advanced sail trim, coastal navigation, anchoring / mooring, docking, emergency operations, weather, and more.
ASA 114 – Cruising Catamaran

Learn to skipper an auxiliary-powered sailing cruising catamaran of approximately 30-45′ feet in length during a multi-day liveaboard cruise upon inland or coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and sea conditions.
(not available at all schools)
Locations & Seasons
Capt. Robert Durkin teaches in different locations depending on the season. In the summer months instruction is focused on Lake Erie and the Great Lakes region. During the winter months when the Great Lakes are out of season the Captain can be found teaching on the Gulf of Mexico at the Saint Petersburg location.
Summer – Erie Islands Sailing School, Sandusky, OH

The Erie Island Sailing School is located at the Sandusky Harbor Marina in Sandusky Bay on Lake Erie. Students will sail on and around the Sandusky Bay region on the western basin on Lake Erie.
Winter – Sailing Florida, Saint Petersburg, FL

Sailing Florida Charters and Sailing School is located at the Vinoy Marina in downtown St. Petersburg. Here students will learn to sail on the beautiful Tampa Bay.