About Foggy Dew

The name “Foggy Dew” has a special place in the Durkin family. This was the name of my grandparent’s mountain house in the Poconos of Pennsylvania when I was just a kid. At the end of the gravel and dirt driveway and along the edge of tall mountain trees was a small wooding sign that read, “Durkin’s Foggy Dew”.
As a kid I remember approaching in the car towards the mountain getaway, watching out for the sign. It was the only recognizable thing among the endless trees. It meant we had arrived at the start of our family adventure!
It was in these mountains that my family would gather to spend time together, relax, explore the outdoors, and just be a family. There were always aunts and uncles aplenty. Our grandfather was a humble fisherman eager to share his wisdom upon whoever was lucky enough to grab a fishing pole when he headed to the lake. But, it was my generation of siblings and cousins that made the “Durkin’s Foggy Dew” the start of all adventure; this was where my brothers, sisters, and cousins forged our bond of family by exploring the woods, catching snakes, climbing trees, building forts, and getting into the occasional mischief. It has will always, and has always, been about family.
When the oldest generation of grandkids had become adults and away at university and our grandparents started to get a bit older the old house in the woods was eventually sold. Durkin’s Foggy Dew was gone.

Foggy Dew Sailing is a celebration of where we come from and the memories that make us who we are. My passion for sailing is no different than all the passions that my brothers, sisters, and cousins learned while exploring those woods in Pennsylvania. I’m proud that the name lives on in the spirit of my family before me and to the future of building memories for my family, charter guest, students, friends, and anyone who wants to untie the lines and have an adventure.